emergency dental

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emergency dental

Are you experiencing a dental emergency? If so, getting expert care can relieve the discomfort while also protecting your overall oral health.

man receiving a smile makeover

what counts as a dental emergency?

If you’re experiencing discomfort, you may be wondering whether you need immediate care or if it’d be better to wait for an appointment. Here are some signs that you might be experiencing a dental emergency:

If you think you might be experiencing an emergency, you should reach out to a dental office. They can help you decide whether emergency care is necessary.

what to expect from emergency care

When you come to our office, we first need to ascertain the nature of the situation. From there, our goal is to resolve any pain you’re feeling while also protecting the future of your oral health. Depending on what’s occurring, this could mean anything from saving a tooth to draining out an abscess.

Once the initial situation has been resolved, we’ll want to schedule a follow-up appointment. This gives us the opportunity to check in on how the treatment’s going while also helping you prevent future emergencies.

When experiencing a dental emergency, it’s best to go to a dentist’s office. While an ER can help resolve the pain, they almost never have a dentist on staff. This means they don’t have the tools or expertise necessary to resolve underlying dental issues.

do you need emergency dental services?

If so, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We understand that not every situation can wait for an appointment. We’re ready to provide you with the care you need, when you need it.

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